This website belongs to Adam Smith, hopefully you arrived on purpose, and not by accident while googling a cure for the dreadful yuppe disease from the 80’s (Yes, I know it’s a real thing).

There isn’t much here yet, this is mostly a place holder for my dream of having my own website… (something I remember I should probably have every once in a while, generally when I get to there being less than 6 months left on my endless, perpetual run of short-term contracts).

Eventually, this website will tell you all about me and what an incredible talent I am (becuase you need to do that when you’re looking for your next job), and share the stuff I do. But for now… it will really just tell you, who I am and how you can get hold of me.

About Adam Smith

Adam was born in the north a long time ago.

He wanted to write books, but ended up working in the NHS, at the Department of Health, and then somehow… at a University.  He is now Programme Director (which probably sounds more important than it is) at University College London. He has led a number of initiatives to improve dementia research (including creating Dementia Researcher, Join Dementia Research & ENRICH), as well as pursuing his own research interests. He has published some research, presented at conferences, produced lots of podcasts, and he occasionally writes blogs (which probably don’t get read).

He has opinions on everything, and in his spare time, he grows vegetables, builds Lego & spends most of his time drinking too much coffee and squeezing technology into his house.

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Call him – 07545 566939